Poker's great. A masterclass in strategic thinking with probability is the 18XX family of games (1830, 1861, etc.). They simulate owning and building railroads, including stock issues, mergers, and other variously brutal economic conditions. It's that complex interplay of factors which one usually faces "in the wild," and which games like chess and even poker don't always provide. Highly recommended for the smart kids reading this.

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Thank you. Have heard of but not played, so will check out right now.

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Great post Jon! There will most definitely be a Furby revival and you'll be rolling. Better question is will there be a Furby revival or Furby NFT first? How did your mom respond when you told her about the Furby debt?

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Not positively!

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Love the post. One tip of advice for people playing poker. When you lose with 92% on the river, dont think "This is what 8% feels like." Instead, type in the chat "RIGGED SCAM SITE" That is all.

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